Most of the penguins seemed to chat with others while they were in the sea, away from their breeding colonies.
The contest pits penguins from all over the globe against each other in 10 rounds, with the public deciding the winner.
The so-called A23a iceberg, the world's largest, has run aground in South Georgia after almost 40 years at sea, threatening ...
Meijers said there's less of a concern about the effects A23a could have on South Georgia's seals and penguins, although huge ...
South Georgia over a 22 year period and is part of a project investigating the Southern Ocean ecosystem and its response to change Penguin parents forage at sea returning to feed their chicks ...
The iceberg called A23a is twice the size of Greater London and could block key penguin feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean. Fishermen are concerned they will have to deal with large chunks of ice.
The bottom-feeding Penguins — with the second-worst goal differential in the NHL — need to be in the business of hoarding more and more draft picks, young NHL players and prospects ...